
Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here


Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here


Adult Education & Enrichment

At First Congregational Church, we recognize that learning doesn’t stop as we grow older, and we are committed to providing a variety of educational and faith development opportunities for adult learners. We offer a variety of enriching activities, including book groups, Sunday morning adult classes, Sunday morning forums, and seasonal studies.

Sunday Mornings at 8:45 AM

Our Sunday morning Adult Education classes focus on deepening our understanding of the Bible, our lives as people of faith, our Christian history and traditions and contemporary scholarship. Classes are generally led by one of our ministers or an experienced layperson and are held in the Pownall Room. Visit our Virtual Campus tab for Zoom or additional information.

Sunday Forums

On many Sundays after our services we have a forum with speakers (either from within our church family or invited guests) on a wide range of social, political, spiritual and educational matters. The forums vary widely in their focus.

Senior Coffee and Conversation

On the third Tuesday of each month at 10 am,  everyone of a certain age is invited to this fellowship.

Classes and Retreats

Subscribe to The Pilgrim newsletter mailing list to learn about periodic classes and retreat.