
Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here


Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here

Board of Social Justice & Outreach

Board of Social Justice & Outreach

The Board of Social Justice and Outreach is responsible for leading the greater church body into wider fellowship in our community, in our country, and in the world ministries of the United Church of Christ. To that end, this board oversees programs including:

Alternative Christmas (sales of Fair Trade gifts from around the world)

Outreach to local children and youth including our Summer Day Camp

Forums on issues including peace, environmental justice, and homelessness

This board also oversees our participation in local parades, fundraising walks, and special offerings including:

Neighbors in Need (for United Church of Christ justice advocacy and service in the United States )

One Great Hour of Sharing (a global ecumenical program providing assistance to victims of disasters, support for refugees and economic development in regions of poverty)

Bread for the World (for hunger solutions here and abroad)

Souper Sunday (a nationwide fundraiser for local poverty programs, held on Super Bowl Sunday)

The Board also supports projects of the four committees the report to it- Downtown Associated Youth Services Committee (DAYS), Peace Action Committee (PAX), Open and Affirming Committee (ONA), and Social Justice Committee.